Rohe Homes LTD specializes in affordable, sustainable, modern homes that are ultra-transportable modular solutions. The purpose of this project is to increase the awareness and impact of Sustainable Living and reaching a wider audience. We solved this problem by creating a Contest Microsite.

The Challenge
Rohe Homes is a comparatively new initiative of living sustainably in a space designed just for that. It focuses on easy living with the flexibility of moving around and taking your home with you. The business launched in April 2017. Since then the company has been growing but not at the rate that was projected. We aim to help solve the problem of finding a new market and bringing the growth rate higher than the projected charts by an increase of 5% annually.
My Role
I was the UX and UI designer for the project. My role was to structure the project, plan and execute the flow and production of designs and collect feedback by user testing.
Main Tasks
The main tasks of the project were:
- Having a Contest Microsite that serves two audiences, I.e, for participants and the voter.
- Making sure each step and the interface are clear and self-explanatory.
- Viewing the gallery
- Adding s submission to the contest.
- Casting a vote to a selected submission.
The Approach


Flow Chart

Desktop Wireframes

Mobile Wireframes

High Fidelity Mockups: Desktop

High Fidelity Mockups: Mobile

Style Tile

Thank You!